Going to eat a lot of Peaches...

I thought this might be a good way of of documenting our adventure into the Gloucestershire countryside. Within a year*>we hope to be living in our restored 18th century farmhouse with some goats. The goats will be in the garden though. I don't intend for them to live in the house. That settled, here goes..

*It has been a year and a half. We might as well be living with goats as the mud in the kitchen is pretty horrific. We are living in our part restored farmhouse. We are tired and we are going back to work. For now the Yurts will stay in Mongolia.

>It has now been two and a half years and we feel like slightly different people to the over enthusiastic goons that saw nothing but potential all that time ago. We've made a pretty mean inroads to reaching that goal but there are still no goats. Gary is reading a book about Pigs though and we've added a baby Edie to family Mills...